Do you remember the days when you would schedule a doctor’s appointment just to get there and wait a couple of hours? If any tests or analyses were needed, it would take days to get the results and often you would have to go back to the office and wait again. Fortunately, that’s already history …
The habits of personal hygiene and health
The fact that children acquire adequate attitudes and habits in relation to personal hygiene, as well as the environment, is important within the actions of health education. The family plays a fundamental role in the acquisition of these habits. Parents with their attitude and behaviour begin to form a lifestyle in their children, it is …
Mental Health, its new impact and challenge
For centuries mental illness was considered supernatural. In recent years there has been an increase in the casuistry of mental illness, leading to greater absenteeism, as well as decreased productivity. The economic burden that companies receive as a result of psychopathologies generates a strong impact in terms of productivity, high staff turnover, overloads and new …